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29 February, 2024 | 9:00-16:00 | The Red Town Hall, Berlin

Credit:Ruthe Zuntz



On the 7th of October Israel was struck by shock. On the 8th of October Israelis understood that they must pull themselves together, organize and push forward.


This became the reality in every corner of Israel society, including Israel's economic sector as it faces unprecedented hurdles. In light of this new reality, RESTART IL. ECONOMY was initiated, serving as a series of conferences aimed at reinvigorating the Israeli business world and reaching new, shared heights.


RESTART IL. ECONOMY conferences are aimed at starting this urgent process. RESTART IL ECONOMY enable Israeli startups, entrepreneurs and other businesses to meet prominent investors directly, creating new investment opportunities in an environment of support and solidarity.



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VOD Library of contents and lectures

Greetings and Opening Remarks


Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski, Founder, Cytactic & Adjunct Professor, TAU

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Dr. Volker Wissing, MP, Federal Minister for Digital and Transport

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Andreas Jahn, Member of the Federal Executive Board, Government Affairs and Foreign Trade, The German Mittelstand

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Ron Prosor, Ambassador of the State Of Israel to Germany

Greetings and Opening Remarks

Florian Hauer, Permanent Secretary for Federal and European Affairs and International Relations State of Berlin Delegate to the Federation

Next October


HE Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel

The Founders

Izhar Shay, Former Minister of Science & Technology VC Investor & Entrepreneur
Ophir Shay, Co-founder & CEO, Next October

Trends in the Israeli Economy

Trends in the Israeli Economy

Prof. Eugene Kandel, Professor at the Hebrew University & Chairman of the Board of the Israeli Stock Exchange Chairman Rise- IL

Challenges and Opportunities in Growth Markets

Angle Investing in Israel

Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski, Founder, Cytactic & Adjunct Professor, TAU
Yoel Cheshin, Chairman, 2B.VC

Session 1: Israeli Innovation - Climate Tech

Opening Remarks & Climate-Tech Presentations

Esther Barak Landes, FLORA Ventures Founding Partner

Sigalit Mutzafi, CEO,RadGreen
Itay heimann, Lead Co-Founder. NovoForest
Yonadav Buber, CEO, Baromar
Gideon Lapidoth, CEO & Co-Founder, Enzymit

Trends in Cyber Security

Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski, Founder, Cytactic & Adjunct Professor, TAU

Session 2: Israeli Innovation - Med Tech

Med-Tech Presentations

Netta Ness, Chance Management Founder & SVP TERA

EZbra Advanced Wound Care LTD,
Revital Mandil-Levin, CEO, Nanocarry
Ofer Barshem, CEO, Cell-Lipo
Shaul Gelman, Founder, President and COO,RealView Imaging Ltd
Shira Doron, Co-Founder and CEO, ALVIV Laser Solution,

The Professional Service Sector in the Age of AI

Nimrod Vromen, CEO and Founder of Ark/Consiglieri, Partner at ATL

The "Day After" for Israeli Hi-Tech

Izhar Shay, Former Minister of Science & Technology VC Investor & Entrepreneur
Yaron Valler, Founder & Partner, Target Global

A Conversation

Prof. Ronni Gamzu, CEO Tel Aviv Souraski medical Center Ichilov
Prof. Heyo Kroemer , Chief Executive Officer, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Why Invest in Israel

Dr. Katy Ritzmann, Attorney-at-law (Germany), Certified IP Lawyer Foreign Lawyer Germany, ,GSK (Israel Bar Association)
Hanan O. Haviv, Head of Hi Tech department, Herzog Fox Neeman

Session 3: Israeli Innovation - Mobility Tech

Opening remarks

Mrs. Hildegard Müller, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA e.V.)

Mobility-Tech Presentations

Ron Maor, Ototo, CEO
Asaf Formoza, CEO, City Transformer,
Galia Kedmi, COO, 3d Siganls LTD
Viktoria Kanar, CEO & Co-Founder, Re-Fresh Global

Driving the innovative future of Mercedes-Benz

Eileen Böhme, Director Innovations and Future Technologies at Mercedes-Benz

Session 4: Israel Innovation - Digital Health

Opening Remarks

Holm Keller, Executive Chairman & CEO of kENUP Foundation

Israeli High-Tech's Social Involvement

Erez Shachar, Managing Partner at Qumra Capital

Digital Health Presentations

Dan Rolls, Founder and CEO, GistMD,
Uri Neeman, CO Founder & CEO, RealizeMD
Asaf Harel, CEO, PrediMed
Shay Cohen, CEO, Genesis Medical Vision

Interview studio


Netta Ness

Shelly Dvir

Executive Director, 2B.VC


Netta Ness

Gil Bachrach

CEO, Dive Digital


Netta Ness

Holm Keller

Executive Chairman & CEO, Kenup Foundation


Netta Ness

Benny Moran

CEO and Owner, BMP- Benny Moran Productions


Netta Ness

Nimrod Vromen

CEO and Founder, Consiglieri


Netta Ness

Hanan O. Haviv

Head of Hi Tech department, Herzog Fox Neeman


Netta Ness

Erez Shachar

Managing Partner, Qumra Capital


Netta Ness

Yoni Shrits

Startup Selection Coordinator, Cytactic


This conference will bring together the leading forces of Israel's tech and economic sectors with the German industry leaders, fostering a dialogue for future collaboration and investment opportunities.

Conference Speakers 

Dr. Volker Wissing MP

Bundesregierung/Jesco Denzel

Dr. Volker Wissing MP

Digital and Transport

Federal Minister

Prof. Eugene Kandel

Photo By: Micha Loubaton

Prof. Eugene Kandel

Professor at the Hebrew University

Chairman of the Board of the Israeli Stock Exchange Chairman Rise- IL

Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski

Dr. Nimrod Kozlovski


Founder, Cytactic & Adjunct Professor

Netta ness

Photo By: Ronen Fadida

Netta ness


Chance Management Founder & SVP

Eileen Böhme

Eileen Böhme


Director Innovations and Future Technologies

Andreas Jahn

Photo By: Axel Schmidt

Andreas Jahn

Government Affairs and Foreign Trade, The German Mittelstand

Andreas Jahn, Member of the Federal Executive Board

Dr. Katy Ritzmann

Photo By: GSK

Dr. Katy Ritzmann

Foreign Lawyer Germany (Israel Bar Association) GSK

Attorney-at-law (Germany), Certified IP Lawyer

Hanan O. Haviv

Photo By: Idan Gross

Hanan O. Haviv

Herzog Fox Neeman

Head of Hi Tech department

Yaron valler

Yaron valler

Target Global

Founder & Partner

Sonja Jost

Photo By: Amin Akhtar (IHK Berlin)

Sonja Jost

IHK Berlin

Vice President

HE Ron Prosor

Photo By: Ruthe Zuntz

HE Ron Prosor

Ambassador of the
State of Israel to Germany

Izhar Shay

Izhar Shay

Next October

Former Minister of Science & Technology
VC Investor & Entrepreneur

Esther Barak Landes

Esther Barak Landes


Ventures Founding Partner

Nimrod Vromen

Nimrod Vromen

Ark/Consiglieri, Partner at ATL

CEO and Founder

Hildegard Müller

Hildegard Müller

German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA e.V.)


Prof. Ronni Gamzu

Photo By: Miri Gattenyo- Ichilov

Prof. Ronni Gamzu

Tel Aviv Souraski medical center Ichilov


Yoel Cheshin

Photo By: Tammy Sgan – Cohen

Yoel Cheshin



Holm Keller

Holm Keller

kENUP Foundation

Executive Chairman & CEO

Prof. Heyo Kroemer

Photo By: Wiebke Peitz, Charité

Prof. Heyo Kroemer

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Chief Executive Officer

Florian Hauer

Photo By: Hans-Christian Plambecke

Florian Hauer

State of Berlin Delegate to the Federation

Permanent Secretary for Federal and European Affairs and International Relations

Ziv Elul

Photo By: Tal chachar

Ziv Elul


Co Founder

Erez Shachar

Photo By: Tal Givony

Erez Shachar

Qumra Capital

Managing Partner



ברלין אג׳נדה אתר (2).jpg


בי"ח איכילוב
amano group
הרצוג פוקס נאמן
Berlin Partner
next october
Target Global
Dive Digital
golan hights winery
Next October

Next October

As part of the conference, we will launch the very meaningful initiative Next October, initiated by Izhar Shay, who lost his son Yaron on the first day of fighting.

The initiative set a target to assist with establishing 1,400 new Israeli startups in memory of all the victims of the October 7th War, helping to revive the high-tech sector and creating thousands of jobs.

Next October is designed to manage and promote this initiative to investors worldwide and serve as a bridge connecting them to the startups, providing added value to the startups through mentorship and networking opportunities and monitoring the commemorations of the victims over the years.

HE Isaac Herzog

photo by: Avi ohayon GPO

HE Isaac Herzog

President of the State of Israel

-Video message-

Izhar Shay

Izhar Shay

Next October

Former Minister of Science & Technology VC Investor & Entrepreneur

Ophir Shay

Ophir Shay

Next October

Co-founder & CEO, Next October

Startup Showcase

Restart IL. ECONOMY CONFERNCE is aimed at starting the urgent process of restarting the investment cycle in the Israeli high-tech sector by enabling Israeli startups and entrepreneurs to meet with German based private and institutional investors to create investment opportunities in an environment of support and solidarity is aimed at starting the urgent process of restarting the investment cycle in the Israeli high-tech sector by enabling Israeli startups and entrepreneurs to meet with German based private and institutional investors to create investment opportunities in an environment of support and solidarity.

Participating startups 
